A Second Chance Read online

Page 5

  They took the stairs, with Demola taking special care to stay close to Carter. A decision that Carter had nothing against. In fact, he loved it. Having Demola's lean body pressing close to him for safety was a major turn on.

  Finally, they got to the V.I.P section and Demola collapsed on to the sofa. The sigh he released was one full of relief. Carter found himself smiling at the sight of Demola resting his head on the armrest of the couch.

  He took his seat on the couch. "The music is loud, but eventually, you will get used to it. It kinda grows on you with time."

  Demola's look was one of utter disbelief. The furious shaking of his head said what he thought of the suggestion, even before his words confirmed it. "Hell no. Noise like that, and that is noise, not music, can never grow on me. I like my music soft and at a reduced volume. Not loud."

  "So, let me guess, you're not a rock fan?" Carter asked with a grin.

  "Nope. What part of 'I like my music soft and at a reduced volume' don't you get?" Demola said, laughing.

  "Noted. So does that mean that if I asked you to dance with me, you won't?" Carter asked, giving a signal to the DJ in the V.I.P to play a song.

  Demola looked like he was considering the question for a while, then with a shrug of his shoulders, accepted Carter's outstretched hand.

  The first notes to Hoobastank's "The Reason" began to play. Smiling, Carter pulled Demola closer, placed his hands on Demola's hips and together, they slowly began moving. "Hoobastank has always been one of my favourite rock bands. The first time I heard this song, I thought of you." Carter watched Demola move his head slightly to look at him. The look he had on his face showed his confusion clearly. Carter merely pulled Demola closer, and whispered in his ear. "The lyrics are my words to you. Listen to them, and you'll understand."

  The dance was slow paced, and as they moved, Carter found himself listening to the song as well. Would Demola understand? Would he be accepting? Would he understand what Carter was asking?

  As the song slowly came to an end, Demola drew away, walked back to the couch and sat. Carter restrained from shuffling from one foot to another. He only did that whenever he was nervous, and the fact that Demola said nothing, but just moved to sit, had him nervous. Why wasn't he saying anything? What was going through his head?

  Demola patted the seat beside him, and inclined his head for Carter to join him. There was silence for a while. Demola would open his mouth and then close it almost immediately. It brought to Carter's mind the image of a blowfish, and in any other circumstance he would have found it hilarious. However, this was he and Demola trying to resolve their past, and Carter's heart was racing, his palms sweating. He was terrified. This conversation could go either way. All he could do was hope that it would turn out in his favor.

  "When?" Demola asked, and turned to look properly at Carter. Probably so he could observe his features properly.

  "When what exactly?"

  "When did you realize that you had been an ass? When did you accept that you treated me badly?"

  "Immediately. When I started teasing you, and it all turned to bullying you, I knew immediately that what I was doing was wrong. But I didn't stop for a while because that was what others were doing. I was weak-willed, and I'm sorry. I should have done the right thing immediately, but I didn't. Asking for your forgiveness and the chance to be in a relationship with you might be me pushing it a bit. But the truth is I really like you."

  Carter licked his lips lightly. Nothing like a confession to make his mouth become parched. And Demola still had that serious look on his face. A face that said nothing about what thoughts and emotions were going through its owner's head. The man would make an amazing poker player.

  "I will even say that I'm on the way to being in love with you. You're intelligent, funny, caring and sexy. You're anybody's dream man, and I'm sorry that it has taken me ten years to fully realize this. In a way, I'm grateful to Mrs. Rayne."

  That brought an immediate response from Demola. "Why would you say that?"

  "Well, first, she sent me a copy of Closure. That made it even more obvious that I needed to find a way to see you and apologize for being an asshole." Demola thought about the words for a moment, then gave a nod. He obviously remembered his dedication page. "She invited us both to the career talk, and reminded me that I now had another chance with you. But I'm also grateful to her because she was the one that helped seventeen-year-old me to realize that I was not treating myself or others properly and that I needed to change my ways. Without her, I might not be the person you're seeing today. Who knows, I might still be the self-absorbed ass you knew in high school."

  "You have one more thing to be grateful to her for though," Demola softly whispered. At Carter's raised brow, Demola continued speaking. "Actually we both do. Me, for the fact that she was there to provide an escape from the bullying, by providing me with books to distract me, and for recommending me to Brown. And you, because of that recommendation. If she hadn't read and accepted my essay, and helped me get into Brown, I wouldn’t be the man you see before you now. Hell, I wouldn’t stay in the same building as you."

  Demola swallowed slightly, and reached for his drink. He took a swallow of his gin and tonic, returned the glass to its spot on the table and continued speaking. "If Mrs. Rayne had not responded to my writing the way she had, I would have become bitter. I can forgive and let go because she helped me rise above that. Because after she read my essay, she sought me out even more and was there for me. So, yes, I will be willing to be in a relationship with you. Just note that the next time you insult my accent, I shall do to you what my brother suggested I do ages ago." Demola finished with a smile and a nod.

  Carter grinned. He was so ecstatic, he felt like howling. "And what would that be."

  "Make my fist connect with your face in a greeting that will result in an immediate restructuring of your face," Demola replied with a saucy grin.

  Carter released a full belly laugh. "Whenever I am being an ass, you're allowed to punch me in the face. But I do miss your accent. I thought you got rid of it permanently."

  "Why would I? I'm a Yoruba man. My roots will always show, and I'm proud of them. They make me unique."

  "That they do," Carter agreed, and placed his hand on the side of Demola's cheek. He leaned in and placed a kiss on the lips that he had wanted to kiss for the last ten years. As Demola opened his mouth and Carter slid his tongue in to explore, in a corner of his mind, he mentally thanked Mrs. Rayne. The woman was even more special that he had always thought.

  Carter pulled Demola to sit on his lap, as they continued kissing. He needed to remember to ask Demola how they were actually going to get this whole dating thing done though. Which state was Demola living in? Would they be having more of a long distance relationship? As the thoughts raced in Carter's mind, Demola moved his ass directly over Carter's dick and Carter's eyes crossed.

  They would resolve all that later. At the moment, he had a willing man in his lap who required his full attention.


  About the Author

  For as long as she can remember, Alessandra Ebulu has always had her noise buried in a book. The characters appeal to her and it is not uncommon to find her talking to the various characters in her head—both the ones she created and the ones she has read about (of course she does this while walking down the street, but she’s not crazy or anything).

  When not reading or writing, Alessandra can be found watching movies, sitting in front of her laptop (watching animes, reading mangas or surfing the Internet), and listening to all the genres of music that make her life complete.

  You can find Alessandra Ebulu on her blog, livejournal, or twitter, or email her at [email protected].



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